The effect of sports fan identification on the cognitive processing of sports news.

Published in International Journal of Sport Communication, 2012

Recommended citation: Potter, R. F., & Keene, J. R. (2012). The effect of sports fan identification on the cognitive processing of sports news. International Journal of Sport Communication, 5, 348-367. DOI:10.1123/ijsc.5.3.348.

An experiment investigates the impact of fan identification on the cognitive and emotional processing of sports-related news media. Two coaches were featured; one conceptualized as negatively valenced the other positively. Participants completed a fan identification scale before stimuli presentation. While watching the press conferences, heart rate, skin conductance, and corrugator muscle activity were recorded as indices of cognitive resource allocation, emotional arousal, and aversive motivation activation respectively. Self-report measures were collected after each stimulus. Results show that highly identified fans process sports-related news content differently than moderate fans, allocating more cognitive resources and exhibiting greater aversive reactions to the negatively valenced coach. Comparisons between the self-report and psychophysiology data suggest that the latter may be less susceptible to social desirability response bias when emotional reaction to sports messages are concerned.

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