Explaining parental coviewing: The role of social facilitation and arousal.

Published in Communication Monographs, 2016

Recommended citation: Rasmussen, E. E., Keene, J. R., Berke, C. K., Densley, R. L., & Loof, T. (2017). Explaining parental coviewing: The role of social facilitation and arousal. Communication Monographs, 84(3), 365-384. DOI:10.1080/03637751.2016.1259532. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03637751.2016.1259532?casa_token=d4-KU45giTkAAAAA:3ady3BQ5HsayLfkfmQtHqFNnESxR52Yz4d96JiIwi5y4vyuqLiNhxnSgqxtF0vh7uBINxJ3fQJkfMw

This study explores the relationship between parental coviewing and children's psychophysiological responses to television exposure within a framework of social facilitation. A total of 88 children aged 6-13 years and one of each of their parents participated in a 2 (presence or absence of the parent) x 2 (exciting or non-exciting TV content) between-subjects experiment. Results indicated that the presence of a coviewing parent was associated with an increase in children's arousal (higher skin conductance levels) and cognitive resource allocation (lower heart rate), especially for younger children who came from homes where parental coviewing was a relatively frequent activity. These findings suggest that the mere presence of a coviewing parent is sufficient to alter children's processing of television messages.

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